Tennant T17

Tennant T17

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Discover the power of the Tennant T17 Rider Scrubber, a high-performance, battery-operated industrial floor scrubber. Engineered for durability and efficiency, the Tennant T17 offers a versatile 40-inch cleaning path as standard, with the option to extend this to an impressive 52 inches by adding side brushes. Whether your facility requires a disk or cylindrical model, the Tennant T17 is tailored to meet your specific cleaning needs. Enhance the cleanliness and hygiene of your commercial or industrial environment with this heavy-duty scrubber. Don’t miss out—call today to schedule a FREE DEMONSTRATION of the Tennant T17 and see it in action!


Stock NumberUSC-WEUI
Cleaning path40"
W/ scrubbing side brush52"
W/ sweeping side brush52"
Brush speed315 rpm
Solution tank75 gal
Recovery tank91.1 gal
L/w/h88.4"/53"/58" 82.5" height w/ OHG)
Weight6150 lb